Search Database

This is the master database of all items in the Archive, including the books, journal articles and Timeline items referenced elsewhere on this website. This database is searchable by title, author, type, and topic. Special tags also exist for Research, Non-US/International items, and documents specifically related to the history of the Association for Volunteer Administration (AVA). All PDF documents may be downloaded for free. If you identify errors, please contact us immediately so we can make the necessary corrections.

Displaying 2301 - 2343 of 2343
Year Title Sort descending Source Author Type File
2002 Wing With Volunteer Administration For the New Century!
Journal of Volunteer Administration Arlene K. Schindler Article Download
1994 Wings With Heart
Hemisphere magazine, October 1994 William Garvey Article Download
1978 Winning With Staff: A New Look at Staff Support for Volunteers
National Information Center on Volunteerism, Inc. (NICOV), Boulder, Co Ivan H. Scheier Pamphlet / Booklet Download
1986 Women and Volunteering: Implications and Considerations
Pennsylvania Federation of Women's Clubs, museum exhibit catalogue. "Celebrate Women: Volunteer Service in Pennsylvania: 1870-1986" Susan J. Ellis Article Download
1980 Women and Volunteering: Perceptions, Motivations and Effects
Volunteer Administration Mary C. DeCarlo, Roberta M. McConochie Article Download
1982 Women Volunteers
LEADERSHIP magazine, Summer quarter, 1982 Virginia Patterson Article Download
1974 Women, Work and Volunteering
Beacon Press Herta Loeser Book Download
1992 Words Do Make a Difference! (Canada)
Johnstone Training and Consultation, Carp, Ontario, Canada Ginette Johnstone Pamphlet / Booklet Download
1981 Work Worth Doing
Jacqueline Wexler Article Download
1989 Working Together for Self Help (United Kingdom)
The Self Help Alliance, The Volunteer Centre UK Pamphlet / Booklet Download
1985-6 Working Together...In Harmony: Volunteer Management/Union Guidelines (Canada)
The Volunteer Centre, Community Services Council, St. John's, NF Canada Pamphlet / Booklet Download
2009 Working with Technical Volunteers: A Manual for Nonprofit Organizations
TechSoup Global Pamphlet / Booklet Download
1992 Working with the Community: A Conceptual Framework for Urban Forest Managers (policy report)
Forest Policy Center, Washington, DC October 21, 1992 Report / Study Download
2003 Working with Volunteers and Managing Volunteer Programs in Health Care Settings (Australia)
Volunteer Australia and National Health & Medical Research Council, Australia Pamphlet / Booklet Download
1977 Working with Volunteers: Guidelines for Nonprofit Organizations
Foundation for Public Relations Research and Education, Inc., New York, NY Pamphlet / Booklet Download
1965 Workshop Summary, The Association of Volunteer Bureaus of America (presentations about trends)
Summary of presentations a the 1965 Annual Forum National Conference on Social Welfare, Atlantic city, NJ May 25-27, 1965 Report / Study Download
2001 World Events Emphasize Continued Need for Volunteerism, Personal Reflection
Journal of Volunteer Administration Paddy Bowen Article Download
2001 World Events Emphasize Continued Need for Volunteerism, Personal Reflection (Canada)
Paddy Bowen Article Download
2003 Writing Persuasive Volunteer Recruitment Appeals
Grapevine newsletter, July/August 2003 Steve McCurley Article Download
2001 WWW: Workshops the Wired Way
World Volunteer Conference, Amsterdam, January 2001 Joanne Kaattari, Vicki kTrottier Handout / Fact Sheet Download
2001 XVIth World Volunteer Conference: "Volunteers - Capital of the Millennium"
Journal of Volunteer Administration Mary Merrill Article
1979 Yes -- Insurance is Necessary
Volunteer Administration, Association for Volunteer Administration, Spring 1979 Jerry K. Lynes Article Download
1979 Yes Insurance Is Necessary
Volunteer Administration Jerry K. Lynes Article Download
1990's Yes You Can! Discipline And Dismissal of Volunteers
Linda Graff and Associates, Inc. Linda L. Graff Handout / Fact Sheet Download
1984 Yorkville Volunteer Center
Yorkville Volunteer Center, New York, NY Sample Download
1966 You and Your Volunteers: A Partnership That Works (A guide for supervisors)
Department of Social Welfare, State of New York Pamphlet / Booklet Download
2003 You Are Here: Are you welcoming to newcomers?
The NonProfit Times, June 2003 Susan J. Ellis Article Download
1988 You Are Invited To A Party In Your Honor
Journal of Volunteer Administration Nancy B. Shafer Article Download
1990 You Can Make a Difference: Helping Yourself and Others Through Volunteering

Back cover: Why do people volunteer? People help other people because they have learned one of life's great secrets: help one other person and you will also help yourself and your community.  You Can Make a Difference is a celebration of the spirit of giving and a guide for those who want to take a step toward a more fulfilling life. 

Volunteer Management Associates Marlene Wilson Book Download
1985 You Can Teach Others: A Professional Approach to Volunteer Training
Alabama Office of Voluntary Citizen Participatio Ida Rush George Book Download
1986 You Cannot Not Communicate
Journal of Volunteer Administration Elaine Cogan, Ben Padrow Article Download
2000 Young Americans Choose Volunteering Over Voting
San Jose Mercury News, October 9, 2000 Article Download
1988 Young Volunteers in Action: A High School Community Service Education and Placement Model
Journal of Volunteer Administration Martha Parks Article Download
2004 Younger Volunteers in Sweden
Journal of Volunteer Administration Richard A. Sundeen, Sally A. Raskoll Article Download
1982 Your Association Could Be Liable for the Anticompetitive Acts of Members
Association Management, August 1982 George D. Webster Article Download
2001 Your Guide to Youth Board Involvement and the Law
Youth on Board Jenny Sazama, Karen S. Young Pamphlet / Booklet Download
1983 Your Program Is Worth More Than You Think
Voluntary Action Leadership, Spring 1983 R.C. Hodgkins, Jr. Article Download
1970 Your Volunteer Program
Des Moines Area Community College Mary T. Swanson Book Download
2002 Your Web Site: Does it welcome prospective volunteers?
The NonProfit Times, May 2002 Susan J. Ellis Article Download
1990 Youth as Volunteer Teachers: A Case Study
Journal of Volunteer Administration Marilyn Smith, Michael J. Havercamp, Randol W. Waters Article Download
1997 Youth Corps: Promising Strategies for Young People and Their Communities
Abt Associates, Cambridge, MA February 1997 JoAnn Jastrzab, John Blomquist, Julie Masker, Larry Orr Pamphlet / Booklet Download
1985 Youth Views on Volunteering and Service Learning from the Chicago Area Youth Poll
Journal of Volunteer Administration Karen J. Popowski Download
1977 Youth Volunteering
1977 Southwest Regional Confrence of the Child Welfare League of America, April 1977 Harriet H. Naylor Article Download